Thursday, September 24, 2009

How can Increase Drawings Speed

We are glad to greet on our website everyone who wants to learn drawing a human professionally and create character illustrations.

You will be able to create awesome character illustrations studying our tutorials!
I want to begin our tutorials with an advice: if you want your characters to be real - copy them from people! There are two possible ways of finding a model:

1. Ask someone to pose for you and practice
2. Find high resolution photos of people and learn to draw using those.
Note that you should study every little detail so, as if you walk around your model only a few feet away. It is not a problem to find a photo with the necessary poses and angles on the Internet.

First of all, take the photos of standing man or woman and try to learn differences in anatomy of human poses during daily activities, for excmple, eating, drinking, dressing up and walking. You will be impressed by the amount of differences you discover!

Find it out and come back to other Human Illustration Tutorials, where we will learn how to draw shockingly real human illustrations of highest quality!

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